Monday, September 12, 2011

Back at work...

I kept telling myself, "One more ounce, just one more ounce." But it wasn't to be. Second week back at work, and I only managed to pump 8 oz today, as compared to being able to pump 15 oz or more during confinement. There is one lady in this office that can still pump 20 oz per day! And she said she needed to buy another fridge just to store all the excess milk. How I envy this woman!

My daily worry is that my baby will be starving if i can't pump enough. I really don't want to resort to formula milk, simply because at 4 months old, she has not even tasted formula milk even once. Unlike my eldest daughter, we mixed formula and breast milk during the early stages because I was a new mom, and didn't know how to manage my supply yet. Now I find that drinking 3L of water per day in the office is a lot harder to do than I thought. There's so much more to do in the office, and I tend to forget to drink water. Even with the tumbler on my desk right beside me here, I will still forget.

Baby Sophie's demand at the moment is 16 oz per day, roughly. Sometimes more. And I have trouble filling up just 2 small bottles. Aaargh. The type of stuff we moms have to go through for our kids. I am sleepy and tired now just being in the Mother's Room (a.k.a. Lactation Room) for just half an hour. I used to be able to pump 10 oz in 15 mins! Waah... miss those good old days. My back hurts now from hunching over the EBM storage bottle...

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