Thursday, April 29, 2010

Herb garden

As part of my happiness project, (finding small ways to create more enjoyment in my life) I had decided to start a herb garden. I am starting slowly, of course, as plants don't grow all that fast. So two weeks ago, I went to ACE Hardware and bought myself some small pots, soil, and some gardening equipment, and planted seeds of Dill, Coriander and Chili. Since I have no experience with gardening whatsoever, my husband chose the type of soil, and all the gardening equipment.

Then with Salma's help, we put the soil into the little pots and put them in this sort of tray and placed them on a small garden table. I placed the table underneath one of the living room windows, a spot that gets both shade and sunlight during the day. After days and days of watering them (and not watering them when it rains), the small seedlings finally spurted!

(Left to right: Dill, Coriander, Chili)

Once they are big enough, I will have to transplant the Coriander and Chili into the ground (or Chili into a bigger pot), but for right now, I am happy that they are growing!

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